High School

At Skagerak International School we prepare you for studies or work anywhere in the world. We help you set your ambitions – and reach them.

The High School consists of the one-year Foundation Year and the two-year Diploma Programme (DP).

Maximize your potential

You are unique, and we appreciate that. At Skagerak our personlized approached is geared at helping you shape your individual path to a bright future – maximizing your potential.

With one of the the widest range of subjects for IB schools in Norway including Visual Arts, Biology, Environmental Systems and Societies (ESS), and Physics, why limit yourself?

A small school with a big heart

Are we small or are we just right? You tell us.

At Skagerak we have built a safe haven for you to be yourself. We believe in cultivating a sense of community that fosters inclusivity and diversity.

Unsure of what you want to do and where you want to go? Our University Guidance counsellor helps you assess your strenghts and find subjects and careers that might be just right for you. With guidance all through the university application process, we want to make sure you are comfortable with your decision(s).

An international community

We are globally minded, but locally rooted. Building a bridge to the rest of the world, our Skagerak communityincludes all kinds of nationalities based in Sandefjord and all across the globe.

Come and be a part of our internaional community. Feel like a global citizen – and communicate like one!

Our High School Programme

Our High School Programme follows the International Baccalaureate program and as such consists of a three year curriculum that is split into two parts.

The first year is Year 11 also called a Foundation Year. In Norway this is Videregående trinn 1 (VG1) and is similar to the Studiespesialisering course that is available at Norwegian high schools. This year prepares you for the two-year Diploma Programme.

The second and third year of our High School Programme is the Diploma Programme (DP). It is a rigourous two year programme developed by the International Baccalaureate.

information meeting

On February 12th 2025, we will host a digital information meeting for students, parents and guardians. The link will be available from the week before. At the meeting we will present information about the school and the International Baccalaureate programme. It is an excellent opportunity to ask questions, meet students and staff, and get a tour of our seaside campus.

Be sure to sign up so that we can you send you the information you need to participate.

Come and find out how we can maximize your potential!

Creativity, Activity and Service

Alongside academics, Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS) involves students in a range of activities. These activities cover the arts and creative thinking, physical exertion and unpaid voluntary service. All our Foundation Year and DP students actively participate in CAS and it is a great way to make friends, get to know your community, and develop essential life skills.

Skagerak boasts more than 50 different CAS groups (activities) and students are free to develop new ones.

Skagerak supports you

Members of faculty are available after school hours during Study Support to help you with your subjects.

Skagerak also offers university guidance to help you through the entire university application process as well as identify key interests and
explore potential career and subject options.


Informasjon på norsk

Skagerak er en internasjonal skole hvilket betyr at undervisning foregår på engelsk. Skolen følger det internasjonale International Baccalaureate (IB)
programmet og derfor er fagene som tilbys ihht IB sitt utvalg. IB-programmet er anerkjent for å være et ambisiøst og spennende program
som forbereder elever på studier og karriere både i norge og i utlandet.

Vi på Skagerak er opptatt av å se hele eleven og hjelpe deg nå dine mål om de er internasjonale eller ei. Usikker på hva du vil? Vi har rådgivere på skolen som hjelper deg finne den rette veien for deg.

Er du bekymret for om du er god nok i engelsk? Ikke stress! Du er ikke alene. Årlig tar vi imot elever som ikke føler seg helt stø i engelsk, men de blir det.

Ta kontakt så hjelper vi deg finne ut om Skagerak er rett for deg.

Curious about our programme?

Reach out to us for more information, a campus tour, the opportunity to shadow a student or speak to alumni.

Apply today

The deadline for applications is March 1st 2025 for the 2025-26 school year. Don’t miss out!

Information for those considering enrolment:

High school student handbook 2024-2025
High school student handbook 2024-2025
School calendar for 2024-2025
School calendar for 2024-2025
School calendar for 2025-2026
School calendar for 2025-2026
General regulations: Diploma Programme
General regulations: Diploma Programme
Information about the IB
Information about the IB

More information about the IB Diploma Programme:

General overview of IB education
General overview of IB education
IB Diploma Programme brochure
IB Diploma Programme brochure
IB Diploma Progamme (DP)
IB Diploma Progamme (DP)
IB Diploma Programme: a guide for universities and colleges
IB Diploma Programme: a guide for universities and colleges