Middle School Admission Process


Please see our Admission Process and Policy. Do not hesitate to contact the school at telephone +47 33 45 65 00 or admissions@skagerak.org

Admission process and policy

Thank you for showing interest in becoming a student at Skagerak International School.

The school is inclusive and non-discriminatory in its admissions policy and wishes to promote intercultural understanding and international-mindedness. Applicants should wish to be involved in learning within the International Baccalaureate Programme.

For the start of school in August, the first application deadline is 1 March. Applications received by then will be processed according to the priority list below. There is also a second admission date of 1 May which includes new applicants as well as those remaining applicants received by 1 March. These applications together will also be processed according to the priority list below.

Priority List

Due to the limited numbers of students that can be accepted into any class, the following priority order has been set:

1. Current Skagerak students applying for the following year

2. Children of members of staff

3. Students with previous international or English language schooling

4. Siblings of current Skagerak students

5. Other applicants

If an applicant has more than one criteria, the one with the highest priority applies. If applicants have equal priority, then a draw will be made.


For the start of school in August, the first application deadline is 1 March. Applications received by then will be processed according to the priority list. There is also a second admission date of 1 May which includes new applicants as well as those remaining applicants received by 1 March. These applications together will also be processed according to the priority list. Applications received after the 1 May deadline will be processed in the order they are received for the remaining available places.

Please note that applications will not be carried over to the next academic year and one must reapply to be considered for admission for each academic year.

Information meeting

Applicants and parents/guardians will be invited to a meeting with the principal or IB coordinator, providing them with the opportunity to view the school facilities and inquire further about the relevant IB programme, before making a decision to accept a place.


Once a place is offered, a signed contract must be returned to the school to secure the place for the student for the upcoming school year.

Class sizes for the Primary and Middle school have been set to maximum 18-24 students depending on the grade level.

All decisions regarding admission to the school are subject to and in accordance with the Independent School Act (Friskolelova) §3-1 and the Public Administration Act (Forvaltningsloven) §2, with the right of appeal to the County Governor (Statsforvalteren).
